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· So there we were at the edge of the reservoir, grasping a burlap sack full of newborn kittens. "God," we said, "If you don't send us a news item about how Kevin Spacey's hair growth affects his participation in movie projects, we are going to drown this bag full of kitties." The kittens lived to be adorable for another day.
· Hey, unicorns! [NSFW, via The Black Table]
· When life hands you strippers, make stripperade! via BoingBoing]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, etc etc etc. How many times can we say it in one day?
· "Martin Lawrence plays [punchy, one-syllable man's first name] — an [adjective], disgraced [type of sports professional] who gets one last chance at redemption: To get back into the [sports league], he has to coach a bunch of [adjective] junior-high students on a hopeless [verb ending in -ing] streak!" At last, Martin Lawrence mad libs.