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Ladies, meet Jacob Manczyk. An Upper West Side currency trader bedecked in the finest khakis, Manczyk hit the Makor/Steinhardt Center singles night in search of a single Jewess to capture his heart. It's not easy, however, to find mishpacha-making material:

It s hard to find someone you re compatible with," he said. "You need the physical and the emotional attraction. I ve met some very nice, intelligent women at events like these, and we ve connected in that way.

Wait, so, that means the nice, intelligent Jewish girls aren t aesthetically pleasing? Oh, shit. Oh, no. I didn t mean to say that, Mr. Manczyk muffled, face in his hands. A pause. No one is going to read this anyway, right? Right. Are you single?

She was before you went and made an ass of yourself. But don't worry, nobody reads this stuff.

Desperately Seeking Nice Jewish Girl [The Daily Transom]