The Cameron Diaz 'Sexy' Photos Trial: A Price Above Boobies

The Cameron Diaz "Sexy" Photos Trial, in which prosecutors allege that photographer John Rutter tried to shop topless photos and a video of a 19-year-old Diaz using a release with forged signatures, began yesterday in star-starved fashion, but at least the world now knows the amount considered a "discount" for pics of Diaz's bare, pre-fame torso:
In his opening arguments, Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren said Rutter approached Diaz in June 2003, offering to sell her pictures from the photo shoot — some of which featured the actress topless — for $3.3 million, purportedly at a discount from what he said a photo syndicate had offered him for the shots.
Many expect that Cameron Diaz will take the stand today (we're working on getting a correspondent down to the scene) and tearily explain how she never gave her permission for the photographer to sell the images. Longtime Defamer readers (Hi to both of you! Call us!) may recall that video of the infamous shoot was leaked onto the internet last summer and featured Diaz demonstrating the nipple-hardening properties of a can of freon. We're hoping that can of icy, compressed air will figure prominently in the trial.