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Even with The Wedding Crashers opening tomorrow, Thursday has been somewhat lighter on Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson news than the promotional orgy of yesterday's wall-to-wall Stallion gangbang. Luckily, a reader with basic cable and the constitutional fortitude to withstand MTV's TRL teeny-bopper onslaught is able to momentarily patch the gap in our coverage, recounting Crashers co-star Vince Vaughn's (perhaps unwitting) nod to Wilson's equestrian legacy:

On TRL's "Wedding Crashers" edition today: When Vince Vaughn was asked about being a wingman for Owen: "Being a wingman for Owen is like being a jockey, you just have to hold on for the ride."

Vaughn's public appreciation for his buddy's prowess would be quite touching—if our brain hadn't been rudely flooded by images of Vaughn wearing a helmet and jodhpurs, striking Wilson's hindquarters with a riding crop as they "near the homestretch."

[Original photo: Baltimore Sun]