Defamer At The Cameron Diaz "Sexy" Photos Trial

Defamer's Special Correspondent on Celebrity Jurisprudence has finally arrived on the scene at the Cameron Diaz "Sexy" Photos Trial, joining a legion of other bored reporters sitting outside of the downtown LA courtroom and waiting for Diaz to emerge following her testimony. One photographer who spoke to our man-on-the-scene placed the odds of actually seeing Diaz at "slim to none," as she entered through some sort of private entrance. The SCoCP did manage to get scolded by someone who demanded that he delete pictures he'd snapped of courtroom sketches depicting Diaz on the witness stand "gesticulating with her left hand, palm facing upwards." The Special Correspondent's afternoon's highlight so far is a close call with an angry bird who buzzed by his head "four or five times" in an attempt to "peck [his] skull" as he walked through the parking lot on the way to the courthouse. Surely, this is some sort of harbinger of the swift justice awaiting the photographer who may or may not have tried to sell pictures of Diaz's uncovered breasts using a forged model release.
We promise to pass along more exciting developments as they occur. In the meantime, enjoy these blurry phonecam pictures of the courtroom's public entrance—a set of doors from which the star will almost certainly not emerge—and of the aforementioned bored reporters cooling their heels (that one's after the jump). It's just like being there, if you left your prescription eyewear at home!