The Cameron Diaz Sexy Photos Trial: Take Your Shirt Off

Despite the effort the Defamer Special Correspondent on Celebrity Jurisprudence expended pressing his ear to the courtroom door, he was unable to come away with any advance snippets of Diaz's testimony. Instead, like the rest of our Hollywood-obsessed nation, we had to wait for a report to hit the wire services. The AP capably sets the scene:
Diaz, wearing a brown top, gray pants and black high heels, was on the stand for about an hour, giggling about her early modeling career and describing the May 1992 photo shoot in an abandoned warehouse.
She said she was worried her boyfriend wouldn't like her posing topless, but "I felt that it was a safe environment. It was a professional shoot. It wasn't like in a back alley, `take your shirt off.'"
No, this was professional, semi-erotic photography, not the shady, producer-with-a-Polaroid-camera kind of back-alley "modeling session" that yields breakout roles in The Mask.