Short Ends: Assgrabbers, Unicorns, Logrolling, and Sluts

· Christian Slater's got some fight left in him yet, refusing to admit to any grab-assing activities.
· Hey, unicorns!
· "Freddie Highmore, the actor portraying Charlie Bucket, will fall on hard times in his adulthood and star in the porno movie Charlie and the Bukkake Factory: 84/1" Over at Oddjack, blogging's Matthew Tobey handicaps Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
· American Idle does a nice job of fantasy-casting the movie version of Dallas, even if the imaginary above-the-line budget would be ridiculous.
· Thanks to Defamer's slut-loving readership, Los Angeles has pulled neck-and-neck with Bangkok in Gridskipper's World Sluttiest City voting. Now it's time to demonstrate your full might and show the world that L.A. is the most slut-friendly municipality anywhere! Feh on your readily available comfort women, Bangkok, our fine city has legions of aspiring actors willing to do whatever it takes to be cast in Big Brother 6!