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We've really got to hand it to HBO. They've dovetailed the plot of The Comeback's fictional Room & Bored (which bombed in its premiere in last night's episode) so seamlessly with the fate of the real-life show that we have a hard time discerning fantasy from reality. Our confusion is so thorough that we also have no idea if we despise Lisa Kudrow, Valerie Cherish, or even Phoebe; each time we see a Friends episode, we're disappointed that one of the showrunners never breaks the fourth wall to humiliate her.

And if your mind isn't already sufficiently scrambled by The Comeback's real-life/sitcom-life nexus, last night's episode featured one of Room & Bored's executive producers pretending to screw Valerie Cherish on the writers' room conference table, a seemingly not-so-veiled reference to the the infamous Friends writers' sexual harassment lawsuit. However, Cherish doesn't sue—the writers appease her with a script centered around her neglected Aunt Sassy character instead of having to suffer through all of their filthy "room jokes" being exposed in court.