Trade Round-Up: March Of The Smurfs

· Universal Studios president/COO Ron Meyer signs a new, five-year contract to remain at the studio unless something better comes along. If no better opportunities present themselves in that timeframe, Meyer should be around to preside over the future smash Meet the Focking Great-Grandkids. [Variety]
· ESPN is "close" to acquiring the rights to a second season of the failed NBC boxing show The Contender, which may or may not involve first season host Sylvester Stallone. Hey, Disney, If you're going to pick up Jeff Zucker's sloppy seconds, at least make sure Sly is part of the deal. [THR]
· To celebrate its plans to move into a fancy new Wilshire Blvd. headquarters in 2007, the Gersh Agency promotes every last employee to partner level. [Variety]
· In the wasteland of summertime Monday night Nielsens, Fox's Hell's Kitchen is the largely irrelevant king. [THR]
· Paramount and Nickelodeon Movies team up and try not to smurf up a CGI feature version of everyone's favorite Saturday morning cartoon/extended Communism allegory. [Variety]