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Terrorist threat or capsule movie review of an in-flight movie? You make the call:

An American Airlines flight from Fort Lauderdale to San Juan, Puerto Rico has been diverted after a passenger found a suspicious note written on a napkin behind her tray table, an FBI spokeswoman told CNN. [...]

About 40 minutes into the flight, a note saying, "Bomb, bomb, bomb ... meet the parents," was found on a crumpled napkin with a wad of chewing gum in it. [...] The note could be a reference to the 2000 movie "Meet the Parents," which starred Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro.

In the film, Stiller's character rejects a flight attendant's efforts to check his bag

If a three word assessment can bring down a plane, the mere whispered mention of Meet the Fockers within a five-mile radius of an airport should ground all air travel for an entire week.

UPDATE: Reader theories on the cryptic note after the jump:

UPDATE: The cat-flushing-dog action of Meet the Fockers erased the part of our brain where any memories of Meet the Parents were stored, but a reader reminds us about MTP's "bomb bomb bomb" dialogue (scroll about 3/4 down the page). Did the anonymous napkin-terrorist have some beef with the airline crew, or did he just choose a colossally bad way to record his favorite Ben Stiller moment? If he'd only preferred that time when Stiller memorably snagged a testicle in a zipper, this ugly situation might have been avoided.

Another reader gives an alternate explanation: "I think the note was a summation of Robert De Niro's career. His three films before MTP were "Flawless" "Rocky & Bullwinkle" and then "Men of Honor." Bomb, bomb, bomb, "Meet the Parents"