It's here: Our much-anticipated, first-ever Gawker Hotties competition. We tallied your responses, added a soupçon of our own predilections, tossed in a dash of who-can-we-find-good-pictures-of, and, finally, we now present the formal contenders for your voting pleasure. (This recipe took much longer to prepare than expected. Sorry about that.)

One surprise was the large number of passionate nominations for men who — how to put gently? — are not necessarily your standard I-need-a-piece-of-that beefcake. And somehow it didn't seem quite fair to pit Bob Herbert against Warren St. John. So we ended up with a total of twelve finalists, separated into two categories: Love Him for His Brain, and Love Him for His Body. Vote for your favorite candidate in each category.

And remember: Polls stay open till Monday morning.