Short Ends: Katie Holmes Probably Safe From Foot Fetishists

· Katie Holmes, it seems, has very unappealing feet. We pray that L. Ron Hubbard developed a technology to address hammer toes without pharmaceutical or surgical intervention, but we fear this is not the case.
· Hey, unicorns! (Back by "popular" demand.)
· Y-list actress/on-set stabbing victim Courtney Peldon pops head up on a red carpet, is immediately hammered down in classic Wac-A-Mole style by the Glorious Ladies of Fug.
· , Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson's World Tour of Patrician Sports stops in NY for a little polo
· The AP gives its headlines writers the afternoon off. Couldn't we even get a token "Rock: Not Everybody Hates Chris"?