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First Thrillist, then Daily Candy, and now new foodie blog Eater are all fluttering about the secret-but-not-really opening of speakeasy La Esquina, located beneath the Corner Deli at Kenmare and Lafayette. Entry into the bar has a semi-complicated, three-step procedure in which one must enter the Corner Deli and enter the "Employees Only" door, go downstairs and get a "secret" phone number from the hostess, then leave the venue and call said number to secure reservations. Tale of Two Cities, however, thinks there's a crucial fourth step being overlooked:

4. Upon re-entry, proceed to vomit all over hostess's head. Find a male employee. Kick him in the nuts, ensuring he is incapable of breeding. Go home happy.

[Image via Verbose Coma]
Drinking Is a Duty, Not a Privilege [ToTC]
Earlier:The Super Secret Speakeasy Du Jour [Gawker]