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· Here's the headline: "Ricky Martin Seeks End to Arab Stereotypes." Our only explanation is that many Arabs find themselves in the position of being stereotyped as gay-seeming Latin singers; in that case, they couldn't have a better advocate. Also: Congratulations to Martin for continuing to be alive. We were sure he'd died quietly a year and a half ago.
· Guess what? Kevin Federline might be something less than the Father of the Year. Yeah, we never could've seen it coming, either!
· Smrt-TV hands out its "Retroactive Alternative Emmys," and despite the inclusion of a "Best Use of Doggy Style Sex in a Series" category, Will & Grace is shut out.
· Have Scientologists appropriated the word "niacin" to replace "herpes"? An investigation is underway.
· What's the status of the engagement ring that nanny-penetrating actor Jude Law gave Sienna Miller? See this item, then go right back to not giving a shit unless it results in more ribald tales of nanny-tagging.