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It's been over a week since Jude Law's public apology for his naughty nanny-boffing activities brought worldwide shame to fiancée Sienna Miller, and the ensuing days have been filled with speculation about whether or not their engagement is officially on or off. Now the gossip rags have shifted into the next phase of the celebrity infidelity script, trying to figure out on whom Miller will use her free pass. Will she lash out at Law by sexually recycling male model ex-boyfriend David Neville? Or has Miller retaliated by dabbling in the borderline lesbianism represented by a fling with the girlish Orlando Bloom? So many questions, but only one answer will offer the kind of satisfying payback the public craves: a three-way with the horny nanny and Law's ex-wife, Sadie Frost. On a pool table.

Hey! Don't you ever knock before you come in? Close the door! Close the door!