Trade Round-Up: Ferrell (Officially) Bolts UTA For CAA

· As expected, Will Ferrell follows agent Jason Heyman to CAA, while UTA tears at its Armani suit and laments the loss of its golden goose and seven-figure commission checks. [Variety]
· Tom Welling's Smallville stuntman is badly hurt during a stunt while filming in Vancouver. Sorry, this one's not funny. [THR]
· Even though most moviegoers would rather poke out both eyes with the straw from their $5 Cokes rather than sit through pre-show commercials, studios continue to provide the ads to exhibitors. Once movie theaters finally fade into extinction, we're going to smugly point to the fifteen minutes of Chevy ads as the reason for their demise. [Variety]
· This year, Oscar voters will get an extra week to consider their cruel snubbing of Paul Giamatti. [THR]
· TV Guide's publisher is embiggening the magazine to People-style dimensions, and deemphasizing its listings in favor of more editorial content. The changes are aimed at making the magazine slightly more difficult to ignore while browsing through the tabloids in the checkout aisle. [Variety]