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Wherein we invite our readers to get lost in the word-labyrinth patrolled by humpy E! gossip minotaur Ted Casablanca and guess the identity of his weekly blind item. Yet again (we've lost track, is this the third or fourth time?), Ted gives himself over to his obsession with Toothy Tile, the young actor who's silently struggling with his bisexuality and constantly threatening to go public. Tie the makeshift noose around the doorknob of One Confused Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Toothy Tile, the rising young male star who secretly likes boys, is creating quite the media sitch. Not only am I told by same-sex inside sources that Mr. T. is still speaking with media representatives about coming out of the closet (much to the dissatisfaction of T.T.'s ten-percent crowd), but poor T. is feeling a tad...pulled." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.