Bedford Gray is Blood Red: No Barn for Martha

Poor Martha Stewart: As if it weren't bad enough that she served hard time, has been under house arrest on her suburban farm, and is currently being subjected to her own Apprentice spin-off, now the city of Bedford apparently hates her, too.
The pastoral locale is host to Stewart's growing farm (which, according to the most recent Vanity Fair, is her 153-acre "experiment" in self-sustaining madness, with a color scheme revolving around her new Bedford Gray shade of paint) but, during a public hearing last week, her plans to build a 4700-square-foot barn were crushed. According to Drudge, the city council worried that Stewart's farming equipment would destroy the peace and thus denied her request to build the structure.
Sadly, the barn was also planned as a home for the farm's goats and chickens, who will now roam uninhibited, uncovered — gasp, shamelessly wild! — on the Bedford estate. What will become of Martha's experiment now? Will she be able to have her magnificent farm without a fancy goathouse? Doubtful. With such a devastating blow to her plan, it won't be long before Martha gives up on the farm thing and focuses on other her experiments, like genetically engineering the perfect Mexican gardener.
Martha Stewart Told No Barn; 'Where Do I Put My Goats?' [Drudge Report]