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An obligatory wire service "I'm exactly like my character/nothing like my character in my just-released movie" story goes horribly awry when a crucial mistake bumps us right out of an in-depth examination of John Cusack's similarity/dissimilarity to his on-screen persona in the romantic comedy Must Love Dogs [bold ours]:

LOS ANGELES - Unlike his character in the just-released film "Must Have Dogs," John Cusack couldn't do the Internet dating thing. He's virtually computer illiterate.

It may seem like we're nitpicking (Us? Never!), but for Cusack's answers about the intersection of Real John and Movie John to truly resonate, we need to know if he's like/unlike someone who actively loves dogs, not merely one who is ambivalent about his pet ownership. To add insult to injury, we never get an answer to this question, as the article completely fails to address any canine-related concerns, instead focusing on Cusack's uneasy relationship with technology. For the record, we think John totally loves dogs! Yay!