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Just over a week since Arts & Leisure princess Jodi Kantor announced her move to the magazine's The Way We Live Now roster as a reporter, the Times has placed the crown upon the sternly coiffed head of one Ariel Kaminer, who formerly whipped the section around as deputy editor. All subscribers are asked to put forth a sacrificial lamb to appease the new queen.

After then jump, the entire memo (courtesy of El Mob de Media), in which Kaminer, having put down her blood-stained trident, is declared an "enemy of the mundane."


Subject: news from Culture

I am pleased to report that Arts & Leisure has a new editor. She is Ariel Kaminer.

Ariel was deputy editor of the section under Jodi Kantor and, before that, an editor on the Magazine under Adam Moss. She brings to the corner office of A&L a prodigious talent for developing ideas and writers and a keen eye for the changing currents of American and international culture. She knows the terrain and the horses riding upon it. And she has a fast wit and immense patience, two traits that will prove helpful as she works with me, Jim, and the subject area editors to realize the final chapter of the Culture Desk's reorganization: full integration of Arts & Leisure into the department's affairs.

Clues to what sort of things to look for in the Kaminer era can be found in the annals of TimesPast: provocative critical essays from our critics (think of Michael Kimmelman on museums and money, or Kelefa Sanneh on rockism); and richly marinated narrative journalism of the sort so often delivered to our brunch tables by Dan Wakin, Randy Kennedy, and Jesses Green and McKinley, among others.

Ariel is a champion of excellence. She is an enemy of the mundane.

Please welcome her.
