Short Ends: On Air Conditioning, Jimi Hendrix, And Colin Farrell

· Because so many of you have asked us to comment on what is surely our jump-the-shark moment (guest blogging tomorrow: Ralph Macchio and Ted McGinley), we have only two things to say. Firstly, we begged them to use the photo of us shaking our finger in disapproval at a baby dressed in a diaper reading "Hollywood," but they apparently decided that the frowny, sullen one better communicated the essence of the blogging life. Second, and more importantly, Defamer HQ has TWO air-conditioners. But we thank everyone who wrote in to decry Nick Denton, our generously becraniumed overlord, as a literal sweatshop owner. Those messages were fun to read, and kept us feeling far more refreshed than those air conditioners ever could. OK, now we're done talking about something that can be expressed so much better by cutting.
· It's probably really unfair of us to link to this picture of Colin Farrell performing pantomimed acts of manual and oral stimulation without any context, but we're going to do it anyway.
· If Jimi Hendrix had to pretend to be gay to get out of Vietnam, more power to him. It's not his fault the country was too shortsighted to offer a "greatest fucking guitarist who ever lived" exemption.
· Tinfoil helmet department: Here's an interesting, in highly unlikely, conspiracy theory involving The Aristocrats.