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The director of the Warhol movie Factory Girl wants the world to know that the attention that Jude Law's nanny-drilling antics gained for finacé Sienna Miller didn't help her (re)land the role of Edie Sedgwick:

"She was offered the role on July 13th, long before the Jude Law story broke," "Factory Girl" director George Hickenlooper told PAGE SIX's Jared Paul Stern. "As soon as Katie Holmes dropped out, we went back to Sienna. I always saw her as Edie. It was very painful when she left the project." Hickenlooper, who says Miller was able to have the part again after filming was pushed back, declares it's "blatantly absurd to think that tabloid gossip had anything to do with it. We cast her the old-fashioned way, because she's brilliantly talented."

See? Miller didn't get some kind of "get out of screwing the director free" pass. There are old-fashioned traditions that must be observed, even if an actress is publicly humiliated by a cheating partner.

Also, it should be noted that the pointed mention of Katie Holmes' onetime involvement (which ended when an unfavorable e-meter reading necessitated that she give up the role) seems to prove that dating Tom Cruise is career suicide.