Land-Lock This, Buddy.

Dear Gawker Readers,
Yes, we know: There are a gazillion (er, around 42) land-locked countries in the world, so when we said in our To-Do list that Uzbekistan was one of only two land-locked countries, we were wrong. BUT, we were testing you, dear brilliant readers, and oh, how you rose to the occasion.
Yes. It was all a test.
Of course Uzbekistan is not only one of two land-locked nations, as roughly 200 of you so kindly pointed out. Congrats, you passed our test! As a reward, we'll clarify: Uzbekistan is only one of two doubly land-locked nations, meaning that all other nations surrounding Uzbekistan are land-locked in the traditional sense. Duh.
Until next time, we remain
yours in dorkitude,
Your Editors
P.S. No, John Bolton did not pass this very same test, so you should all feel very proud of yourselves.