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The LAT explores the process of celebrity photographer Steven Klein, whose infamous 58-page spread in W magazine depicted the Mr. and Mrs. Smith era (i.e. "we're just friends, not ferocious lovers") Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a horny suburban couple surrounded by genetically perfect mini-Pitts, and discovers that Klein didn't have to try too hard to get his subjects to exercise their acting chops for the shoot:

He said Pitt and Jolie remained "in character" through most of the two-day shoot, while the photographer orchestrated their performance in the manner of John Cassavetes, a pioneer of cinéma vérité.

Indeed, Pitt was dogged in the pursuit of his craft, continually insisting that his "character" would send all of the kids to their grandparents' place so that he and his "wife" could discreetly bone in their treehouse.