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Us Weekly reports that young Maddox Jolie is referring to his mommy's boy toy Brad Pitt as "Daddy," prompting Jennifer Aniston to bravely cry on cue for a whole new slew of magazine reporters. [Page Six]
• Teenadonna Lindsay Lohan may be allowed to videotape testimony for her parents' divorce trial. How long, then, until said tape gets leaked on the internet? [NYDN]
• Tom Cruise's first wife, Mimi Rogers, gets pissy when the British press ask her about Cruise's insta-romance with Katie Holmes. As if they were interviewing Rogers for any other reason. [Scoop]
• Jacko's lawyer says they're close to reaching a child custody settlement with the mother of his children, Debbie Rowe. Rowe's lawyer, at hearing this, asserts that no such thing is in the works. We're still not sure why Jackson's allowed to have children in the first place, nevermind fight for them in court. [R&M]