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A Beverly Hills Cheesecake Factory hostess's fortuitous lunchtime seating choice put a Defamer spy in the rare position of dining next to a certain A-list actor and his posse. And while his choice in glamazonian Brazilian girlfriends might have already provided us with a pretty good idea of Leonardo DiCaprio's taste in the opposite sex's physical assets, we now may have an even clearer picture of how much trunk-junk is appealing to the star:

Halfway through our meal, three guys were seated next to us. I looked over and noticed that a lot of people were stopping to stare at the guys, and some women even walked back to take a second glance, so I looked over and saw that it was Leonardo DiCaprio- I wasn't positive until I heard his voice and then I was sure it was him. So I made a mental note to call my friends, but then this woman walked by. She had obviously been working out (or at least pretending to ) because she was wearing a tight sports tank and super short gray spandex shorts. As she was walking across the street, Leo says to his friends, "Holy shit, you guys have to see this. That girl has the hugest ass." His friends looked over, affirmed his observation, and then went back to their spinach artichoke dip. It was pretty hilarious because to be fair, she did pack some back and she clearly wanted everyone to notice. I was sad Gisele wasn't there but my mom commented that she probably doesn't eat anyway. Other than the ass comment, Leo seemed nice and friendly and very normal but still, I made sure not to walk in front of his table because I don't need Howard Hughes commenting on my fat ass!

Next time DiCaprio unleashes such Sir Mixalotian glee in a public space, he might want to keep it to a whisper. Restaurants are generally a pretty bottle-rich environment, and he probably doesn't want to weather another unexpected glass-based assault.