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Your guesses as to the real-life identities of PP and STS are in! But first, bone up on One Deceiving Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Well, not to his girl, at least give the boy that much credit.Puissant Phillipe has had the most divine and much photographed affair with See-Through Sheila. Folks talk about them night and day, which is reportedly how often the celebrated duo has sex. Hardly. About the same amount of time See-Through wears a turtleneck is more like it. Now, even though Puissant (Pissy, to his bestest buds) is actually a fairly sweet dude, it's actually the dudes this previously reported babe-chaser prefers to get down with." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: This week's race was especially tight, but by the time we waded through the barrage of responses, we did have clear winners: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. We really hate to dismiss some of these guesses as wish fulfillment (hell, aren't almost all of Ted's items straight from his dreams?), but not a few e-mails referenced what some of you might do should Brad ever be "turned." We're not even sure why anyone would want to put a curling iron there. seemed like many latched onto the suggestions that the couple's sex life had been much discussed, and we've heard more stories about Brangelina sweatily mating than about whatever's going on in Iraq.

You say: Second place, in a race too close to call: Parises Hilton and Latsis, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz. Several of you mentioned Timberlake's involvement in something called "Space Cowboys" (noting Ted's use of "space cadet"), but we saw something shiny before we could look it up. As for the Parises, we think that all notions of traditional sexuality are erased when we're discussing a being as liberated (read: skankified) as Paris Hilton.

You say: The also-rans: Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon, Freddie Prinze Jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, The Actor Who Shall Not Be Named and His Love Slave.

The Special Edition "What's Up With THAT, Ted?" Item Goes To:

This image was lost some time after publication.

What, E! wouldn't fork up the money to take out an ad in Variety?

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Lorenzo Lamas.

Thanks to everyone for playing!