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Yesterday we mentioned our burning excitement at Nicole Richie's forthcoming book, which we hoped would explain how she lost 80% of her body weight in a matter of minutes. As it turns out, the September issue of Teen Vogue features Richie on its bite-sized cover and, lucky us, her book is mentioned in the resulting interview:

This month, Nicole will release a novel, Rock & Royalty, through ReganBooks. Her publisher is referring to the project as "reality fiction," which makes Nicole nothing less than the inventor of a brand-new genre, but she more simply says that the story is "loosely based" on her own life. [...] "It's the first thing I've ever written," she says, smiling, "and I'm really excited about it."

We are too, Nicole! But: "Reality fiction?" Is that possible, really? No matter. Leave it to Judith Regan to make a profit off of your oxymoronic literary abortion.

Teen Vogue (Article not online)