'New York' Magazine Hates Itself As Much As You Love to Hate It

Turns out Adam Moss's New York beauty pageant wasn't a contest for the king and queen of this five-borough'd homecoming dance, as we'd reported, but rather an effort to find the 50 Most Beautiful New Yorkers.
We know this because the results arrive on a newsstand near you Monday, and we've had a sneak peek at the cover. We're both excited and apprehensive about this issue — which, come to think of it, is how we almost always feel about New York (although usually less intensely). This realization made us particularly pleased with the cover line, which passive-agressively introduces:
Our First (and maybe only) Annual (pseudo-) Scientific Survey of the 50 (ish) Most (or some, anyway, but they all pretty good-looking) Beautiful New Yorkers (Superficial? Hey, it's summer. Sit back and enjoy the scenery.)
It's nice to know that finally everyone in the city feels conflicted about New York, now including even the magazine itself.