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It seems that the reach of literary wunderjew Jonathan Safran Foer only goes so far:

Girl: I'm looking for a name of book that has the word "eliminate" in it.
Store guy: Okay. Let me see. Hmm...It doesn't look like anything came up in the search.
Girl: I know that's the word! I know it is. I really need this book!
Store guy: Okay. I'll try and search again.
Girl: It's "eliminate" with an I, not an E.
Store guy: Oh, you mean illuminate?

At least this time it wasn't Foer's beloved Bright Eyes who had no idea who he was.

Not Everything, Mr. Foer. Not Everything. [Overheard in NY]
Earlier: Jonathan Safran Foer Not Even a Blip on Oberst's Radar [Gawker]