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We realize we're a little late on this, but it just came to our attention: City Council member Eva Moskowitz recently released a study criticizing the state Liquor Authority for not doing enough to quiet down loud bars. From Moskowitz's introduction:

Too many bars in Manhattan get away with blasting loud music and disrupting neighborhood calm without repercussions. While most bars are responsible community members, some have little consideration for their residential neighbors.

Moskowitz's researchers looked at 311 data to find out which bars got the most noise complaints, and discovered they're all in Manhattan. We looked at her list and noticed the addresses of the top five loudest bars:

• 16 First Avenue
• 121 St. Mark's Place
• 116 Suffolk Street
• 510 East 11th Street
[Full top 10 list here.]

Now, the thought occurred to us — and call us crazy — that if you need a really quiet place to sleep, maybe the problem isn't the bar. Maybe the problem is that you're the doofus who chose to live at Suffolk and Rivington.

It's just a thought.

Noisy Bars Report [, PDF file]