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After Saturday's humiliating BB attack at the hands of Britney Spears and her sharpshooting entourage, the paparazzi really needed this morale booster:

Paparazzi who chased Reese Witherspoon from her gym to her home won't face criminal charges, prosecutors say. Although photographers undoubtedly terrified the actress when they "besieged" her in April, there wasn't evidence of false imprisonment or other crimes, said William C. Hodgman, head of the district attorney office's Target Crimes Unit.

"In this specific instance, we couldn't prove any criminal behavior by the paparazzi," Hodgman said Tuesday.

It nice to see the paps steal one away from the home team. Keep in mind that back in April, the Great Celebrity-Paparazzi War hadn't yet begun in earnest, as it would be months before photographers fired a vehicular warning shot at Lindsay Lohan. If they'd tried to "besiege" the Legally Blonde actress in this current climate, they easily could've found themselves staring down the business end of a slingshot wielded by Witherspoon househusband Ryan Phillippe.