You're Gonna Make It After All

Big news in today's Publishers Lunch:
New York Times bestselling author, columnist, and activist Arianna Huffington's book on women and fearlessness, including advice on "how to be bold, how to make yourself bulletproof, and how to say what you need to say and do what you need to do while embracing, not dreading, the reactions of others," to Tracy Behar of Little, Brown, for publication in 2006, by Richard Pine of Inkwell Management.
That's great news for Arianna, who certainly has expertise on being bold and succeeding. But we wonder how useful her advice on "how to say what you need to say and do what you need to do" will be to other women.
Thing is, the "marry a closeted gay billionaire, run him unsuccessfully for U.S. Senate, then divorce him" option is, we think, available to very few.