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Wherein we invite our readers to smoke the "flavored" blind item tobacco from humpy E! gossip-swami Ted Casablanca's hookah and, in the ensuing period of visionary clarity, divine the identity of this week's naughty celebrity. Since it's been about ten minutes since Casablanca's made a trip to Toothy Tile territory, we were long overdue for another Ted bi-boy travelogue. Inhale (Two) Bad-Boy Blind Vices:

Ted sez: "Let's see, we've got Studly Seymour goin' down on some chick at the Viceroy in Santa Monica. Does that interest you? A little, you say? Well, it was quite impromptu, nothing planned (like in a bathroom stall or anything). Box-office deliverer S2 and his latest gal—for the moment, I assure you—just wanted to share a scream or 15 in the ballroom, that's all. So what if other folks crashed their sweaty party? Toothy Tile, on the other orgasmic hand, does mind. Or maybe not? Hmmm.." Read the item.

You say: Send your guesses to defamer[AT] and put "blind" in the subject line. We'll post your responses later today.