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Your guesses are in! But first, recirculate (Two) Bad-Boy Blind Vices:

Ted sez: "Let's see, we've got Studly Seymour goin' down on some chick at the Viceroy in Santa Monica. Does that interest you? A little, you say? Well, it was quite impromptu, nothing planned (like in a bathroom stall or anything). Box-office deliverer S2 and his latest gal—for the moment, I assure you—just wanted to share a scream or 15 in the ballroom, that's all. So what if other folks crashed their sweaty party? Toothy Tile, on the other orgasmic hand, does mind. Or maybe not? Hmmm.." Read the item.

You say: Your answers are after the jump:

You say:: Your near total apathy towards this week's Blind Item (response was down by at least 80 percent from last week, says our guess tabulator from Deloitte and Touche) sends a clear message: You are really, really sick of Casablanca's Toothy Tile obsession. Enough, you say. Make up your mind , you say. Also, Fuck a dude on the red carpet already, Mr. Hollywood Bi Boy. (To Toothy, not Ted. Your responses to him would be unprintable in a family publication like this one.) Do we even need to say whom you think is the infamous Mr. Tile? Let's not reprint his name! It'll be our own form of completely irrelevant protest.

There. Feels good to take a stand, doesn't it?

You say: In the case of Ted Casablanca V. Studly Seymour, the jury demands that Owen "The Butterscotch Stallion" Wilson take the witness stand. (That's how court works, right? We saw The Practice once.) Says one of you, "I know he prefers the backyard, but maybe he saw the frontyard and decided the curbs needed edging." Word.

You also say: Vince Vaughn, Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrell, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Lukas Haas. Lukas Haas? Lukas Haas. We double-checked.

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Bert Fields. Oh, we want to hug you so hard right now.

Thanks to everyone for playing!