Remainders: A Very Special Trump Photo Shoot

• This might be the best waste of time we've seen in the past 10 minutes: Behind the scenes of The Apprentice, as depicted by a chronic misspeller with a doll fetish. [Debbie C.B.'s NYC]
• So Vikram Chatwal's Dream Hotel isn't exactly somewhere you'd want to stay. But maybe his next venture, the Night Hotel, won't smell like sour milk. [HotelChatter]
• We're not sure what to think of the fellow who described the chaos of 9/11 as "kind of like a discotheque." [NYT]
• Congrats to our little Oddjack for securing AJ Benza on staff and bringing things to a whole new level of offense. [Oddjack]
• Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham has never read a book in her entire life. We're not surprised to learn this, although we are surprised her publicist let her utter such a thing. [omg!!!]