Live Girls on Stage!*

Our arousing, alluring, and altogether sexilicious brother Fleshbot is still seeking some talented new writers. More bodacious than "supervising" a shift at Hooters, more literarily smutty than fetching coffee at Nerve, it's simply the hottest, raunchiest, dirtiest, most delicious, most climactic writing job there is. Here's what Pervy McPerv came out of his locked bedroom long enough to say:
• Fleshbot is expanding its xxxclusive editorial team.
• Surf for porn all day!
• Hang with porn stars!
• Sexy! Sexy! Sexy!
• Write us a paragraph about yourself, telling us why you're right for the job.
• Tell us what porn media you enjoy, and why.
• No resumes or attachments.
• Send to
You heard the man. So get to it.
And remember to return the hand lotion when you're done.
[*Really — if by "girls" you mean "writers," and if by "on stage" you mean "working from home."]