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We hate to assault you with such life-shaking, faith-challenging news so early in the morning, but sometimes we have to put our emotions aside and focus on our responsibility to the truth. And so we urgently announce that the man formerly known as Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Puffy and P. Diddy has made it official: From this moment onward, he will now be known as simply "Diddy."

Say it slowly. Leave the "p" behind. Look towards the future. Let it roll off your tongue: Diddy.

Why the change? "I needed to simplify things," said the hip-hop mogul. Diddy also plans to "go more rock 'n' roll" with his look, and says he's inspired by Mick Jagger and David Bowie. Keep an eye out for the Diddy Stardust press conference, which should hit in about 3 months.

Update 8:32 He's actually on the Today Show right now, making a live announcement of this change. "I felt the 'p' was coming between me and my fans," says Diddy. Katie Couric feigns interest: "Wow..."

Diddy Has Initial P.Roblem [NYP]