Ari Emanuel Secretly Pleased By Attention!

From today's Page Six, the heartwarming tale of how Defamer's Official Agent Dance Mascot, Endeavor's Smilin' Ari Emanuel, may not exactly hate it when people pay attention to him:
ARIE Emmanuel [sic] doesn't mind that Jeremy Piven's obnoxious and manipulative agent character in "Entourage" is based on him — in fact, he embraces it. The Endeavor head showed up to Mike DeLuca's 40th birthday party on Saturday at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel's Tropicana Bar and started yelling Piven's catchline: "Hug it out, bitch!" Emmanuel [sic] is also said to be secretly pleased that whenever Hollywood gossip Web site mentions an agent or agency, it uses Emmanuel's [sic] maniacally grinning head shot to illustrate the story.
"Maniacally grinning"? We see no mania in the winning smile; each time we gaze upon his picture, we're lost in a stream of rainbows and teddy bears issuing forth from those parted lips.
Perhaps less secretly pleasing to the agent is the repeated misspelling of his name in the item, made more egregious by the fact that he reps Sixie Paula Froelich. Inside joke or poor copy editing? You make the call.