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Speaking of The New York Sun, that preferred small-circulation newspaper of New York's wealthy right-wing Zionists has recently (and somewhat unofficially) joined our little bloggy corner of the world. We present: It Shines For All, the Sun's new blog, which isn't actually linked from any obvious spot on the Sun's homepage.

It's the media-crit and political musings of Sun managing editor Ira Stoll, best we can tell, and it's updated a handful of times each day. It's also a place for breaking news that won't wait for the next morning's paper, like a recent news flash on mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner's stomach pains. (It was a kidney stone.)

It's about time, frankly, something was shined — sun, a growlight, whatever — on this gutter we call home; we've lately been a bit worried about mold. So welcome, Ira. (Or, really, welcome back.)

We'll see you soon at The Magician.

It Shines For All [NY Sun]