Short Ends: Agents Love Lovable TV Version Of Themselves

· The NY Times provides as good an illustration as you'll see of why agents are the ones wearing the nice suits and shouting into phones all day, not the ones writing the words: "'Did you hear what Ari said?" is now a regular feature of our Monday staff meetings,' said Jeremy Zimmer, a founding partner at United Talent Agency. He was referring to Ari Gold, the show's insufferable talent agent, played by Jeremy Piven in an expensive Caesar haircut. Meanwhile, at International Creative Management, the agent Brian Sher said he got huge laughs by announcing at a staff meeting that the priority project at Warner Brothers this fall would be 'Aquaman.'"
· Talent agent, defined. Is this a themed round-up?
· Now that Paris Hilton has traded in aging Chihuahua Tinkerbell for a younger, bitsy-er (bitsier?) version, Zulkey looks to Hilton's future of continuing pet-miniaturization.
· You couldn't pay us to watch Big Brother Whatever Number They're Up To Now (well, maybe we'd let Les Moonves pay us to watch it), but this clip of one of the contestants calling another contestant a "cokehead" who "fucks old men" is pretty amusing.
· P. Diddy abstains from sex before the VMAs, we abstain from giving a shit. (Yet we link to the story! Funny how that works!)