Today in 'Radar': This Hurts Us More Than It Hurts You

• Without quibbling about whether a now-75-year-old man's 12-day marriage seven years ago in fact counts as "fresh" intelligence, we do want to point out that his (barely) wife back then, Catherine Oxenberg, is an ex-Dynasty star, not an ex-Dallas star, as you're reporting. We're disappointed: This concerns Pop!, Scandal!, and, to some degree, Style!, so it really seems like the sort of thing you should know.
• Also, you guys probably should get in touch with R. Wayne Associates, the printers on Varick Street. We got an email from the guy who has your old office phone number, on 11th Street. "I have been getting misguided calls (three so far) from a representative of R Wayne Co ... saying that RADAR magazine has an outstanding invoice (over 1 year old) for printing," he writes. "I am not sure if Maer has ever spent any time with printers, but they tend to be big, outerborough types who have moved on from the 'carting' business. I don't think his hotties would fare very well!"
We're just here to help.