Big news today: Former Arts & Leisure doyenne Jodi Kantor, having officially abdicated her editorial throne, has her first post-reign byline. Congrats, Jodi! Welcome to the, uh, fold!

For her premiere piece, Kantor explores the social awkwardness surrounding September 11 and, more specifically, how various New Yorkers conduct their lives 4 years to the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center. And you know what? This reporting thing is much better than editing Arts & Leisure. Just look at who Jodi gets to talk to:

Barrie Mandel, a senior vice president of the Corcoran Group, the real estate company in New York, feels compelled to mark the event: she is refusing to conduct open houses on Sept. 11, even though it falls this year on a Sunday, the holiest selling day of the residential real estate week. "Commerce and business as usual and profit motives don't belong on that day," she said.

Yes, enough lives were already destroyed on that day, and far be it from the CorcoDevil to use the anniversary to price you out of your affordable housing provided by post-9/11 funds. She'll wait until the 12th, thankyouverymuch.

9/11: Light a Candle or Party On? [NYT]