J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets. Or not.

Oh, great. More wacky stadium fun. From the Post:
In a desperate play to escape lifetime exile in New Jersey, the Jets are huddling with the city to hammer out plans to build a new stadium over the remains of a massive fountain from the 1964 World's Fair.
The six-acre Fountain of the Planets, which once exploded in glorious pyrotechnic displays, is now a murky pool littered with plastic bottles and trash.
With the West Side stadium plan dead, and a deal for a shared stadium with the Giants at New Jersey's Meadowlands weeks away, team sources say the fountain site probably is the last, best hope to put the New York back in New York Jets.
We admit we're not football experts. And we further admit our knowledge of the Jets is particularly limited. But here's what we don't understand: Why does every plan for a new Jets stadium involve it being built over something? We have a sneaking suspicious team owner Woody Johnson already bought that damned billion-dollar platform, and now he's just looking for a place to put.
Poor Woody: We so bet this doesn't go anywhere.