No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition Caricature

The Forward reports today on a budding controversy: A cartoon on a recent National Review cover that some say is obviously an anti-Semitic attack on Sen. Chuck Schumer. But NR editor Rich Lowry thinks that charge is ridiculous.
"To come up with the interpretation that some people have, you really have to be straining to find offense," he said. Lowry stressed that caricatures are by their very nature exaggerated. He noted that the same artist who drew the Schumer image, Roman Genn, also has done caricatures of Bill Clinton and Al Gore for the magazine with noses still larger than Schumer's.
Lowry added that, in addition to those cartoons, National Review writers have also called Clinton "crafty," Gore "whiny," and Hillary "a tool of international financiers." So he really doesn't understand why Schumer, that crafty, whiny, hook-nosed tool of international financiers, is so upset.