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We threw down the blind item gauntlet, and once again you have picked it up and slapped us in the face. (In a good way, of course.) Spend a little more time One (Re-) Netted Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Chunky Charlie is known for baiting Hollywood's more rarefied fishies. But for a minute there, C2 decided to settle down with a purty little mermaid. Even had a few guppies as a result. But then it all came plummeting down faster than the Titanic, I declare. C.C. couldn't keep his fins in his pants—like, at all—so, Missus Mermaid ditched his increasingly déclassé ass and took a settlement the size of the Caribbean in the process. Ouchie-wouchie!" Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: The vagueness of today's item led to some scattershot guesses (people are probably a little rusty after weeks of Toothy Tile nonsense), but in the end, Kevin Costner edged out the competition. Many of you cited Costner's costly divorce, tied Ted's fish metaphor to Waterworld, and noted his marriage to much younger wife-unit/handbag designer Christine Baumgartner. Possible late-career bloating was also discussed.

You also say: Others in the running (and reasons): Charlie Sheen (hounddogging), James Cameron (Linda Hamilton, water-related resume), Alec Baldwin (girth), Michael Douglas (younger wife, aging), Donald Trump (modelizer, girth), and Robert DeNiro (not as slim as he used to be).

And The Andy Dick Memorial "You Also Say" Item Goes To: Captain Lou Albano, Jim Nabors, and Joe Piscopo (tie).

Thanks to everyone for playing!