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· In the wake of the "smackdown" that it received in the recently-ended Michael Ovitz trial, Disney amends its board rules to make it "easier to remove directors and tougher to buy off angry shareholders." The next guy who tries to hire his "life partner" and then fire him a year later with a $140 million parting gift has finally been put on notice. [Variety]
· Disney Smackdown Day continues, as the theater owners association bitchslaps CEO-in-waiting Bob Iger for his comments about shrinking the window between the theatrical and DVD release of movies, and calling this year's studio product "not as good." Aww snap, etc etc. [THR]
· Warner Brothers pushes Wachowski Bros. film V is for Vendetta from a November to March release date, blaming post-production problems (four months of problems?), not its now-touchy plot involving terrorism in London. [Variety]
· Paul Giamatti and Monica Bellucci are in "early negotiations" to star with Clive Owen in the winkingly titled action project Shoot 'Em Up. Giamatti would play the bad guy (we were kind of hoping for mouthy sidekick), and Bellucci star Clive Owen's love interest. But if they really want to shake up the genre, why not swap their roles? There'd be something magic about Owen and Giamatti doing that special movie tango of sexual tension. [THR]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Hoo-ah Edition: Al Pacino will star in a remake/update of the 1955 French heist flick Rififi. [Variety]