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Shortly after we wrote about the charity auction of a two-week internship having one's flesh melted off the bone in uber-producer Joel Silver's Hollywood crucible, the auction was abruptly ended, and a spokesperson from Warner Bros. got in touch to inform us that the auction "wasn't real." (We did get assurances that it wasn't unreal in the "hoax" sense.) Fortunately, someone did a better job of explaining the details of the auction's irreality to Variety:

Everyone around town thought it was a joke last week when a Los Angeles school auctioned off a two-week internship with Joel Silver on eBay.

Seriously — who would pay to work for one of Hollywood's legendary tough guys?

It turned out the charity auction wasn't a joke, but a mistake.

The Larchmont Charter School had contacted Silver's office on the Warner Bros. lot and was under the impression the internship was a go. But it wasn't, according to Silver's reps.

Finally, some closure. Let this be a lesson to all of us: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so think twice about bidding to spend a week being placed in a headlock by Harvey Weinstein as he explains the nuances of successful Oscar campaigning; you'll only be disappointed in the end.

[We should also note that the other auctions to benefit the Larchmont Charter School ARE real, so bid away.]