The Agent Dance: Jeremy Piven Officially Shitcans ICM

It seems like just yesterday that a source within ICM called the rumor that client Jeremy Piven had, ahem, shitcanned ICM in favor of CAA, the poach-happiest agency in town, "completely untrue and patently false." Cut to almost exactly 24 hours later:
From: [redacted ICM address]
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 3:41 PM
To: #All ICM Agents LA
Cc: #ALL ICM LA Assistants
Subject: Jeremy Piven
Jeremy Piven has elected to go to CAA.
Jim Osborne Brian Bunnin
It's always the shitcanned who are the last to know. We fear there will be no hugging it out today at ICM.
Fun fact: Local legend has it that CAA wanted nothing to do with Piven before Entourage, but that Emmy nomination suddenly made them extremely horny. Nice to see that there are no hard feelings.