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Big news across the top front of today's Times Arts section: NBC anchor Brian Williams has a blog. The paper is very excited about this, particularly about the window it opens on the inner workings of Nightly and the occasional self-criticism Williams delivers.

We're sure this is exciting inside baseball for the few senior citizens who both watch Williams's newscast and know how to use a computer — what will he lead with tonight? does he regret that incoherent piece yesterday? — but we find it all a little boring. ("Mr. Williams is careful not to traffic in gossip or observations that might breach his journalistic objectivity on matters like the course of the war in Iraq," the article dutifully notes, and, really, where the fun in a non-gossipy, non-opinionated blog?) Even so, we can't help but marvel at modern communications technology, which is finally allowing someone like Williams — a regular Joe, a volunteer firefighter — a chance to have his voice heard.

An Anchor by Evening, a Blogger Anytime [NYT]
The Daily Nightly []